**Note: All the chemicals used are FDA approved as food-grade materials**
We start by gathering ingredients that vary from powders, to liquids, to chemicals / hardeners. Also grabbing containers, mixers, etc. (processing utensils)
Then base chemicals and hardeners are mixed and stirred to create the main base element to work with. Note: Ratios determine consistency and texture of the final product.
Main base elements are poured into smaller, more manageable units.
Combinations of powders and liquids are introduced to each sub unit to achieve a certain appearance.
Combinations of sub units are poured into mold using various techniques to create unique effects.
Add other items (like smaller molds made previously) into mold to create an even more unique effect. Can be done at different stages to vary effects even more (i.e. this bullet point can be shifted up or down).
Repeat most of process for each layer if multiple layers are required, using a heat gun or blow torch to remove bubbles / imperfections, repeating occasionally while drying / curing.
Be patient and WAIT until completely dried and cured.
Remove from mold and admire creation :)