Vuforia AR Tutorial Thoughts

After completing the Vuforia/Unity AR tutorial I find AR technology to be really interesting and has a lot of potential. I built my app for Android instead of Windows due to webcam failure. I thought it was really cool that I could take the printed targets with me anywhere and when I point my phone at it I can see things that nobody else can. I believe that one day when AR technology becomes embedded in our everyday lives, it won't seem as exciting, but there's already a variety of potential applications for the modern world. 

For example, AR could be used to guide visitors around a museum, or perhaps to show a partial reconstruction of a ship when a scuba diver goes wreck diving. Imagine going to a car dealership and all of the cars are protected from the elements in a giant warehouse and you can view and visually inspect the exact car that you want from the sales floor. Even for non-dealership car transactions the seller could upload pictures of their vehicle which would in turn be processed into an AR model that can then be used by the potential buyer to see the exterior and the interior as well, without travelling to look at it in person.

Image Targets - PTC -

CyberSoldier - Will Morillas -

Oxygen Tank - Universal Assets -

Zombie - Artalasky -

The source code can be downloaded here: VuforiaStarter Main

The Android app can be downloaded here: VuforiaStarter Tutorial App

Images can be downloaded below.